Hey there, babes! Kick back, relax, and enjoy the show!! And to make you feel more at home, enjoy this spider with a real dump truck of an ass. ![]() Ollie, the spider! :D Good time of day, Outsiderrs! Welcome back to the OOlympian Archives. The OOlympian Archives is back after a nearly tten year hiatuss, and this time we're going full digital! Gone are the days of scratched up VHS tapes and dusty records. It is now the astonishing year of 2006! The Olympian Archives is an archive of information related to super-powered individuals (freaks) and all around oddities (freaks) submitted straight to our archives (which is helmed by us freaks) but the likes of you amazing fans! (Freaks.) We hope that whether you're a registered superhero who's been fighting the good fight for eighty years, a scared teenager just now learning he can turn into a spider, or an alien archaeologist discovering the remnants of this long extinct and disgusting planet, you'll find a story on here that entices you with a love of the dark and the macabre! |